《爱的表达》小说章节目录在线阅读 爱的表达小说全文

主角是爱的表达的小说叫做《爱的表达》,本小说的作者是飞刀刘写的一本青春小说,情节引人入胜,非常推荐。主要讲的是:ast age should show your heart。For, Lady, you deserve this state,Nor would I love at lower rate。But ...

《爱的表达》小说章节目录在线阅读 爱的表达小说全文



eyes and on thy forehead gaze;Two hundred to adore each breast,But thirty thousand to the rest;An age at least to every part,And the last age should show your heart。For, Lady, you deserve this state,Nor would I love at lower rate。But at my back I always hearTime’s wingèd chariot hurrying near;And yonder all before us lieDeserts of vast eternity。Thy beauty shall no more be found,Nor, in thy marble vault, shall soundMy echoing song: then worms shall tryThat long preserved virginity,And your quaint honour turn to dust,And into ashes all my lust:The grave’s a fine and private place,But none, I think, do there embrace。Now therefore, while the youthful hueSits on thy skin like morning dew,And while thy willing soul transpiresAt every pore with instant fires,Now let us sport us while we may,And n


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